The accelerating technical developments and innovations accompanying the transportation and communication technology, adjoining the globe with the best possible health care facilities on a blink of an eye.
This industry is contributing such a big portion as 10.6% of GDP, globally. The health awareness, technological innovations and development, and enduring healthcare facilities and services are although the reasons of advancement of this industry but also brought it to test the management potential it possess.
The evolving no. of services from healthcare are increase yet not meeting the demand. Global healthcare expenditure was US $ 7.6 trillion in 2013 which is expected to reach US $ 9.5 trillion by the end of the year 2018. Soaring demands of healthcare industry is inspiring the medical reform consisting of high-end technical management structure re-building.
Life sciences and healthcare is the sophisticated and most time-constraint entity. Timely delivery of services and 2 way authentic information is the key of dignifying the mission of the industry.
IntelliPro, as an institution for the IT and web applications management and development, exactly comprehends the needs of health care industry. Our systems and software resolve the managerial issues, synchronizing various resources and data, and provides a customized, user friendly technology.
Our healthcare products makes your operations smoother, timeous, updated and provides accumulated, crystalline and precise information.
We believe in developing outstanding and long term business relationships with our clients